Sorry about the lack of update recently. I have 4 papers to do for next week, and finals coming up, along with looking for a job, so I just haven't had time. I will try to do a talk once a week or so though if I can.

~ In general unless the anime and manga are very different I will be talking about both together as one in a single post.

~If you want me to discuss a certain show or topic and my opinions on them let me know, by email, PM, or comments, and if I've seen it/know about it I will post about it eventually.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Ok well I took out the description section since I cover that in the quick summary and introduction section anyway so no point in keeping it.

Series: Toradora!
Media Type: Anime
Mangaka: TAKEMIYA Yuyuko(Author), Yasu(Artist) <-Novel Length: 25 Episodes
Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Shounen

Ok, the Toradora anime is based on a Light Novel series. Again haven't read it, though would love to. Why can't US companies license more light novels, anyway with that quick rant aside, Toradora also has a manga based off the Light Novel, also haven't read that.

Quick Summary:
Toradora is basically a high school romance show. Though unlike the typical setup the main male and main female lead are going after each others best friends. Throughout the series you see the relationships progress of all the main character, and as usual more characters enter later on. Later on you get a slightly deeper look at the characters, then you typically get, including a look into their psyche. Oh yes forgot to mention the main male lead, Ryuuji, lives with his air head, super hot mother, and his pet parrot. The pet parrot named Inko is so unique, picture a ugly bird on drugs and you'll get the idea. The main female, Taiga, lives alone, though she does have a mother, but you do not meet her till much later in the series. And shockingly Taiga and Ryuuji live right next to each other, and as the story progressed we see Ryuuji start to take care of Taiga, since he has a house wife type personality. Ok this is getting long and, I can't say too much more besides that without spoiling some things, so you'll have to watch it to learn more.

Closing Comments:
Ok another romance story, again I enjoyed this story very much. This romance unlike some others does reward the viewers with quite a few cute scenes, and actual romance progression. This show however does end once the main couple starts dating, but chances are the Novel and manga go further. Overall this is a cute story, with many likable characters, though none of them are really that unique when compared to other characters in the same genre, but what character is unique anymore.


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*Remember this is my opinions/thoughts your free to disagree, but don't be an idiot about it.

*If I said something wrong please let me know and I will fix it, I've seen/read a lot of anime/manga so sometimes it's hard to keep things straight.