Sorry about the lack of update recently. I have 4 papers to do for next week, and finals coming up, along with looking for a job, so I just haven't had time. I will try to do a talk once a week or so though if I can.

~ In general unless the anime and manga are very different I will be talking about both together as one in a single post.

~If you want me to discuss a certain show or topic and my opinions on them let me know, by email, PM, or comments, and if I've seen it/know about it I will post about it eventually.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Puni Puni Poemy

Series: Puni Puni Poemy
Media Type: Anime
Creator: Watanabe Shin`ichi
Length: 2 Episodes (OVA)
Genre(s): Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Parody, Seinen, Slapstick

Ok let's start this already, one world watched this since its related to Excell Saga. haven't seen Excell Saga see it before this...then maybe just maybe you will be able to get something out of it....maybe, no probably not. Ok don't get me wrong I'm not bashing it, though you need to have an open mind, and been in a unique mood...or on drugs to truly enjoy this anime. Ok so anyway its basically an extreme comedy with unique take on the parody genre. That's right it is very much an extreme parody.

One Sentence Summary:
New idea might keep it as a category from now on might not. Ok anyway as the title says this will be a single sentence that I feel sort of sums up the show. So here we go.
Ok so let's put it this way...picture Excell Saga on crack...lots and lots of crack, and you get Puni Puni Poemy.

Quick Summary:
Ok now for a real sum if that's even possible for this show. Poemi Watanabe is a 10 year old girl aspiring to be a voice actress. Too bad for her she is horrible at school, not to mention her voice acting is beyond bad. So for some reason a mysterious alien comes and kills both her parents, and attacks Tokyo. Obviously a super hero is the next step, don't worry Puni Puni Poemy has all. Enter Puni Puni Poemy a.k.a Poemi Eatanabe transformed all sailor moon like. Oh did I mention her magic wand, yes this wand is no normal wand, it is a talking fish that has been skinned into a wand obviously what else would it be. So yea now we go save the day. besides that I don't remember that much, but there are plenty of crazy characters, and some really strange scenes so prepare for anything, and I mean anything.

Closing Comments:
Ok so that's Puni Puni Poemey, fun but really strange. I wouldn't say its bad, just unique in a unique/odd way. Excell Saga is also very similar to Puni Puni Poemy, but not as extreme, and actually has a plot...sort of.... Not much else to say so I'll shut up.


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*Remember this is my opinions/thoughts your free to disagree, but don't be an idiot about it.

*If I said something wrong please let me know and I will fix it, I've seen/read a lot of anime/manga so sometimes it's hard to keep things straight.